The Deeper Meaning of Memorial Day:

Memorial Day: Beyond BBQs


As the scent of blooming flowers fills the air and the days stretch out before us in a unofficial start of summer, we eagerly anticipate the Memorial Day weekend. It’s a time synonymous with the sizzle of BBQs, the thrill of finding that perfect item on sale, and the joy of gathering with loved ones to bask in the balmy weather. Yet, as we ready our homes and hearts for the holiday festivities, it’s essential to pause and reflect on the deeper significance of this day that is interwoven into the tapestry of our nation’s identity.

Memorial Day is steeped in historical reverence and serves as a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made by countless brave men and women in the armed forces. This day is an invitation to connect with our nation’s history and honor those who have fought to secure our freedom. So, as we gear up for this special holiday weekend, let’s do so with mindfulness, gratitude, and a true understanding of what we are commemorating.

Stay with us as we delve into the meaning and origins of Memorial Day and explore why it’s about so much more than just BBQs and white sales. We’ll also share ways to celebrate this day in ways that honor the spirit and sacrifice it represents, infusing our celebrations with a sense of respect and deep gratitude.

american flag under a cloudy sky
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

Celebrating More Than Just BBQs and White Sales

Every year, on the last Monday of May, a sea of red, white, and blue sweeps across the United States as people eagerly embrace the long weekend that heralds the arrival of summer. But while Memorial Day is often associated with BBQs, white sales, and outdoor festivities, its roots run far deeper, into a historical fabric that binds Americans together in remembrance of the ultimate sacrifice.

The origins of Memorial Day can be traced back to the period immediately following the Civil War – America’s bloodiest conflict. It was initially known as Decoration Day, a time set aside to honor fallen soldiers by decorating their graves with flowers. Waterloo, New York, is officially recognized as the birthplace of this holiday, having first observed it on May 30, 1866. However, it wasn’t until 1971 that Memorial Day was declared a national holiday to be celebrated on the last Monday in May.

So, while the sales and BBQs are inviting, let’s take a moment to reflect on why Memorial Day is celebrated – a tribute to the bravery, courage, and dedication of the men and women who have selflessly served and sacrificed their lives for our country.

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day? It’s not merely a day off work or an opportunity to shop discounted merchandise. Memorial Day is a profound national gesture of respect and gratitude. It’s a day to recognize the countless individuals who put the welfare and liberty of their nation and fellow citizens above their own.

Let’s think about the generations of soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines who have stood on the front lines of conflict. These courageous men and women have defended our freedoms, often in distant lands far from the comforts of home. On Memorial Day, we remember these patriots and express our gratitude for their selflessness and bravery.

It is the stories of these heroes that give Memorial Day its depth and meaning. It’s the tale of the Civil War soldier marching for days on end, the World War II pilot flying into the face of danger, the Vietnam War nurse tending to the wounded under fire, or the modern-day warrior battling terrorism in the Middle East. Each story is a thread woven into the American narrative, forming a tapestry of courage, sacrifice, and national pride.

american flag beside a gray tombstone of a veteran
Photo by RDNE Stock project on

That’s why Memorial Day is more than BBQs and white sales. It’s a day of unity, where political affiliations, religious beliefs, and social standings are set aside. We come together as a nation to honor the commitment and sacrifice of our military personnel, and to remember that our freedoms are built on the bedrock of their service.

As we prepare for this year’s Memorial Day, let’s all take a moment to remember its true significance. Let’s engage in acts of remembrance, such as visiting cemeteries or memorials, raising the flag, and taking a moment of silence at 3 p.m. local time – the national moment of remembrance.

As we gather around our BBQs, let’s share stories of the heroes who’ve made our celebrations possible. Let’s educate our children about the importance of this day, so they understand that their freedom is a gift, paid for with the courage and blood of those who came before them.

Memorial Day is a special time in our national calendar, an opportunity to express our collective gratitude to those who have given their all in the service of our country. Amid the fanfare of summer kick-offs, let’s ensure the true spirit of the holiday burns brighter than any BBQ fire, illuminating the stories of those whose sacrifice continues to shape our nation.

In the end, Memorial Day embodies a very sweet form of sunshine, one that radiates from the memory of our fallen heroes.

thank you heart text
Photo by Řaj Vaishnaw on

At Sunshine & Candy, we want to take a moment to tip our hats to the brave men and women who have donned the uniform and answered the call to serve. To those who gave their lives for our freedom and are no longer with us, we honor you. To the retired servicemen and women who bear the scars and memories of their service, we thank you. To those currently serving, standing on the frontline and safeguarding our peace, we appreciate you. And to the future generations who are planning to serve, your commitment inspires us.

This Memorial Day, we want to express our gratitude in the most heartfelt manner. We understand that our freedom is a gift from you – a gift that comes with a price we can’t even begin to comprehend. We are here because of your bravery, your dedication, and your sacrifice.

So, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Thank you for serving our country, for protecting our freedom, and for being the heroes that you are. Your service and sacrifice are the true reasons we celebrate Memorial Day, and they are the backbone of our great nation.

Thank you, and Happy Memorial Day.

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